UNIT ONE Hello, America and American!Hot Topic:VISA Issue……………………………………………… 15
Talk Show:Larry King与美國被俘人质Terry Anderson的谈话 ………26
Presentation:Andrew Carnegie 的 The Road to success………………29
UNIT TWO Individualism means choice!
Hot Topic:School Violence………………………………………………… 37
Talk Show:Larry King与美國前总统Clinton師长教師的對话……………… 46
Presentation:美國前总统Clinton師长教師的國情咨文……………………… 49
UNIT THREE Don’t be a mama’s boy!
Hot Topic:China Entering WTO………………………………………………58
Talk Show:Larry King与美國闻名艺人Barbara Streisand的谈话…………69
Presentation:杜鲁門总统關于民主的演讲………………………………… 71
UNIT FOUR Be a responsible guy!
Hot Topic:About AIDS………………………………………………………80
Talk Show:Larry King与美國名流兼艾滋病患者Arthur Robert的
UNIT FIVE First come, first serve!
Hot Topic:About homosexuals………………………………………………103
Talk Show:Larry King与美國笑星Bob Hope的谈话………………… 114
Presentation:黑人民权魁首Martin Luther King關于空想演讲………… 117
UNIT SIX Fairness is a big part of equality!
Hot Topic:About Copyright Protection………………………………………125
Talk Show:Larry King与美國大亨兼自力总统候選人Ross Perot的
UNIT SEVEN Competition promotes business!
Hot Topic:Drugs and Safety…………………………………………………148
Talk Show:Larry King与美國最有争议的前拳王Tyson的谈话……… 160
UNIT EIGHT Let the best one win!
Hot Topic:Beiji女用高潮液,ng Hosting the Olympics………………………………… 171
Talk Show: Larry King与美國闻名節目主持人Oprah Gial Winfrey
的谈话 ……………………………………………………………………… 182
Presentation:美國微软总裁Bill Gates在中國的演说…………………… 184
UNIT NINE He who dies with the most toys wins!
Hot Topic:Tightening Airport Security…………………………………… 194
Talk Show:Larry King与美國前总统Ronald Wilson Reagan的谈话… 206
UNIT TEN Get a raise --- you know you deserve!
Hot Topic:College in the US…………………………………………………216
Talk show: Larry King和与美國闻名的艺人Whoopi Goldberg的谈话…226
UNIT ELEVEN Always say more than “yes or no”!
Hot Topic:Terrorism in America……………………………………………236
Talk Show:Larry King与美國在索马里维和举措中被服的飞翔员的
谈话………………………………………………………………………… 246
Presentation:美國Charles Eliot 關于 Harvard and Yale演说………… 249
UNIT TWELVE Work hard and work smart!
Hot Topic:Safety and Surveillance…………………………………………258
Talk Show:Larry King与美國闻名艺人Marlon Brando的谈话…………269
Presentation:美國Yahoo总裁杨致远的演讲…………………………… 271