VOA风行美語 - Lesson 300 - get with the program...
李华跟Larry一块儿去看美式足球赛。今天咱們要學两個經常使用語:get with the program和cost an arm and a leg.
LH: Larry, 你干嗎不穿衬衣,光着膀子,還把身上涂成如许?吓我一跳。
LL: Do you like it? I spent all morning painting myself the colors of my favorite football team, the Washington Redskins.
LH: 壯陽藥品,支撑红人队也不消把本身摧残浪费蹂躏成如许啊,戴顶帽子,穿件球衣不就患了。
LL: Oh come on, Lihua. Get with the program. Anybody汐止抽水肥, can wear a hat. Only REAL fans paint their entire bodies.
LH: 等會儿,你說get with the what?
LL: Get with the program. If somebody doesn't understand something that you think should be obvious, you can tell that person to "get with the program."
LH: 我大白了, 若是你感觉是明摆着的事,而他人却不大白,你便可以奉告對方,get with the program. 那你是說,你光着膀子,把本身画成如许,我不應大惊小怪了?
LL: Exactly. Don't spectators at ping pong tournaments in China paint their chests and drink beer and scream at the players from the stands?
LH: Larry, I think YOU need to get with the program. 看乒乓球的人是绝對不會光着膀子,一邊喝啤酒一邊叫嚣助势的,能讓中國球迷如斯猖獗的可能只有姚了然。
LL: Ok, ok. Well are you ready to go to the parking lot. I'm starving!
LH: 咱們莫非就在泊車場里吃工具嗎?仍是進到球場內里去买點吃吧。
LL: C'mon Lihua, get with the program. Everybody knows that the food in the stadium is too expensive. So before the game everyone brings a BBQ grill and cooks food out in the parking lot. We call it "tailgating" because you sit on the tail gate of you水果茶,r truck while you eat.
LH: 真的嗎?大師就座在皮卡後面,一邊烧烤一邊谈天?太好玩了。不外,這好象跟你承诺我的浪漫约會差得远點儿。
LL: You don't find eating hot dogs in a parking lot romantic?
LH: Larry, I think you need to get with the program. 大大都女孩子都不會感觉在泊車場里坐在車尾巴上啃热狗有多浪漫的。
LL: Lihua, I think you need to get with the program too. By now you should know that dates with me may not be romantic, but at least they aren't boring.
LL: Oh Lihua .. I think I may have eaten too many hot dogs in the parking lot. I'm not feeling so well.
LH: 谁讓你不听我劝,非要跟那小我角逐吃热狗,如今肚子痛了吧!
LL: I know ... but he was rooting for the other team, so I had to accept his challenge. I had to do it for my team's pride.
LH: 独一值得光荣的是,你最後赢了,還免费吃了那末多热狗。
L卸妝凝膠,L: That's true. If I had tried to buy all those hot dogs in the stadium it would have cost me an arm and a leg.
LH: 要花一条胳膊一条腿?真形象。這是一種很經常使用的說法嗎?
LL: Whenever you buy something that is unreasonably expensive, you can say that it cost you an arm and a leg.
LH: 在中文里,這叫吐血。那我問你,咱們坐在最後一排,甚麼都看不見,這個位子的票價必定没有讓你丧失一条胳膊一条腿吧?
LL: Hey, they were the best I could get. But you're right, I can barely see the players. I would give my right arm for some binoculars.
LH: 你要用右胳膊换千里镜?要這麼個换法,我看,用不了多久,你身上的零部件就要用光了。不外說真的,你适才說的give my right arm跟cost an arm and a leg是一個意思嗎?
LL: Kind of. When you say that you would give your right arm for something, that means that you really want it.
LH: 我大白了,說愿意用右胳膊换,意思就是出格想要。Larry, 這角逐看得我真是一頭雾水。I would give my right arm to know what the rules of football are.
LL: And I would give my right arm for a jacket. It's freezing out, and it turns out that this paint doesn't provide any warmth at all!
LH: 我可以把外套借给你穿,并且it won't even cost you an arm and a leg.
今天李华學了两個經常使用語。一個是get with the program意思是這是明摆着的。另外一個是cost an arm and a leg,意思是價格贵得離谱。